Research and Scholarly Work Presentations

Matthiesen M, Froggatt K. (2012) Engaging Communities Around End of Life Conversations & Care Using an Asset-Based Approach. Workshop Presentation: 19th Annual Congres du Palliative Care October, 2012,

Matthiesen M, Ashton J, Froggatt K. (2012) A public health initiative around advance care conversations and end of life care. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2 (I2):109.

Matthiesen M, Wrigley K. (2012) Increasing all staff awareness and skills to promote the conversation: A multi-staff , regional education approach BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2(I2): 200.

Matthiesen M, Ashton J, Owen E, Froggatt K, McKnight J, Kretzmann J. (2012) Supporting Community Engagement Around End of Life Conversations and Care, An Asset-Based Approach. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2(I2): 181.:

Froggatt K, Matthiesen M (2012) Conversations for Life: Implementation of a Pilot Public Awareness Campaign about End of Life Issues. Poster presented at the 7th World Research Congress of the EAPC.:

Duxbury, J. O’Brien, T, Pulsford, D., Yates, S., Matthiesen, M., Sheik, K. Dedman, D, Jackson, G.(2012) Scoping Exercise of End of Life Care Education and Training for Health and Social Care Staff in the North West: Everybody’s business: Getting it right the first time. A report commissioned by the Northwest Strategic Health Authority, NHS Northwest and University of Central Lancashire School of Health.

Puchalski CM, McSkimming S. et al (2006) Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC, Creating Healing Environments George Health Progress. 2006 May-Jun 2006;87(3):30-5. (PMID: 16700461)

Christiansen CL, Gortmaker SL, Williams JL, Beasley CL, Brigham LE, Capossela C, Matthiesen ME, Gunderson S. (1998) Department of Ambulatory Care and Prevention, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02215, USA. A method for estimating solid organ donor potential by organ procurement region. Am J Public Health. 1998 November; 88(11): 1645–1650. PMCID: PMC1508578