Dear Friends,
Exciting news! I’m launching a live, online course for women who are ready to ask and find their answers to the BIG question-who will be there for me?
The Posse Project is my online workshop, based on the knowledge and expertise gained from 30+ years of engaging thousands of individuals, families, healthcare staff, and communities in end-of- life conversations and care-and the surprising results I’ve experienced these conversations have on living AND dying well.
The Posse Project inspires and equips women to turn their hopes, fears and lived experience into tangible circles of care as we age through our last days of living—first for themselves, and then for their loved ones and communities.
“Hope is not a plan.”-Atul Gawande, Being Mortal
Why? In times of need, we tend to isolate when what we really need is a Posse: a group of people ready and willing to rally around and help each other through the best-AND the toughest of times.
Because let’s face it, the best-intentioned staff and systems can only go so far. The majority of connections, information and care when someone is seriously ill or dying come from community, not corporations.
Did you know the primary sources of healthcare information women seek are found online or by a friend’s recommendation?
Women ARE the network, and we need stronger ways to connect, share from lived experience, and tap into resources-in simple, straightforward ways.
We need to become ‘informed friends’—we need to become each other’s Posse.
What I know:
I have had access to some of the best information working on the frontlines of healthcare, hospice and communities internationally for the past 30 years. I have seen first hand the strengths-and the gaps. As a woman, a daughter, a partner and a friend, I’ve also experienced the power we hold to find our own unique answers to whatever life throws our way. There is no ‘one-size fit’s all ‘ solution. Yet after learning about, witnessing, and being part of Posse’s with friends young and old, what I know is that we can absolutely learn how to do this better together.
We each have hopes and fears for the future. We also have the skills, strength, and experience from our personal and professional careers to make a plan to connect, communicate and support our care- for ourselves and for each other.
But this care plan doesn’t just magically appear when we need it. And it’s not just a form. We need to learn with and from each other’s lived experience, know the networks to tap into, identify specific people to lean on, gain tools to know how to really ask for support -and a checklist of things that matter most to us as we age through our final days. We need…..each other.
What is it?
All of the above is why I created The Posse Project, a live, online workshop for women who want to learn how we can intentionally create circles of care for ourselves, our loved ones, or our communities as we age, all the way through to our last days of living.
To experience, share and expand-the practical and experiential “know how“ to create communities of care with and for each other when it’s needed most-starting right now, right where we are.
The Posse Project equips women with the keys to intentionally create circles of care -as we age through our last days of living- FIRST for ourselves, and then for our loved ones and communities.
This is a stepwise, practical, heart-centered and evidence-based process based on the work of international healthcare educator, author and community facilitator, Mary Matthiesen.
About Your Guide: Mary Matthiesen
” I have helped thousands of people in multiple countries start conversations about living and dying well….and now am bringing what I know -soup to nuts-to groups of women who are committed to exploring new ways to live, connect and care as we age, so that we may co-create a better future for ourselves and generations to come: compassionate communities for when we need them most.” read more about Mary here.
What’s Included?
- This 6-part series will meet virtually-live 1.5 hours /week for 6 weeks.
- Weekly content, worksheets and stepwise action steps for you to complete in your own time.
- These sessions will be audio recorded, yet participation live is highly recommended.
By the end of the 6 weeks, you will have:
- Experienced the power and potential of a Posse- a group of women who are intentionally coming together to explore the why, what and how a Posse could support their future care.
- Learned multiple real world examples of Posse’s in action.
- Crafted your uniquely you personal Posse vision and story-and experienced the power this holds to engage others in circles of support.
- Identified and completed the 5-steps to launching your own Posse.
- Learned the proven approach and ‘engine’ that makes a Posse succeed.
- Gained skills and tools to ask for, offer and receive support.
- Sample Posse Templates, topics and timelines to lead your first Posse
- A network of fellow Posse Project Participants to share and learn with over time
Participation in the Posse Project will be $597.00 for the series.
For the first 10 people who sign up, there will be a significant discount: the cost for the first series will be $297.00 per participant.
Interested in learning keys to intentionally creating circles of care -as you age through your last days of living?
Ready to start FIRST with yourself, so you can then share the keys with your loved ones and communities?
Join me.
Interested? Have questions?
Join me for a one-time, free experiential workshop
“The Power & Possibility of a Posse”-a Workshop for Women
Sunday, July 9th, 2023 from 10-2 pm in Sonoma, CA.
Space is limited. In lieu of payment, participant feedback is appreciated.
Click here to reserve your spot now! Details will be sent to those who register.
To register and reserve your spot for for the full virtual series starting in September. Click here.